
We've updated 2,259 UniFi servers to version 7.1.68

All servers have now been updated to 7.1.68

Yesterday, HostiFi updated 2,259 UniFi servers from 7.1.66 to 7.1.68. This is a very minor update, but does fix an important issue related to the reliability and resiliency of backups for the UniFI application. The issue related to the USG Pro 4 image not showing on the dashboard is still an issue, but has been fixed in UniFi 7.2.x and later.

The last update we did was at the end of June, which was to 7.1.66, see our blog post for more information.

We haven't gone straight to the latest version of UniFi, as our team always works hard to vet the update releases, and skip any versions that have issues or bugs.

Latest Feature Release: UniFi Network 7.1.61

Version 7.1.66 includes all the major features and additions from version 7.1.61:

  • Add Teleport VPN (Requires firmware version 1.12.x/2.4.x or newer). (not available yet for the UXG)
  • Add Traffic Routes (Requires UDM/UXG firmware version 1.12.8/2.4.x or newer)
  • Add Switch Ports Insights and bulk-port editing.
  • Improve Search & Filters on the Devices/Clients/Notifications page.
  • Improve Traffic statistics.
  • Improve UX for Global AP Settings.
  • Improve WiFi Statistics UX.

You can see the rest of the additions and bug fixes from 7.1.61 in Ubiquiti's full release notes.



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